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Trials of Mortality

 These past few weeks have proven to be some of the most physically and spiritually challenging I have yet to experience.  There is a lot of background that goes into these past few weeks.  I will try to sum it up in a way that brings clarity and hopefully a greater understanding as to why I feel the way I feel. As you might know, Aaron and I are expecting our first baby.  I have about four more weeks until Aaron and I welcome our baby boy into the world.  It has been a great pregnancy. Clay is healthy and strong, and I am so grateful for that.  However here have been some setbacks with my mental and physical health. It has been difficult for me to express my feelings about this pregnancy because they have not been at all what I expected. My whole pregnancy, I haven't quite felt like myself, and at first it was really difficult for me to be excited about having a baby.  This surprised even me! My whole life I have wanted nothing more than to be a...

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