"Give", said the Little Stream.
The other night I had the strangest urge to play the primary song "Give said the Little Stream" on my Ukulele. I am not proficient at playing this instrument, so I had to try really hard. But then I realized why I was thinking of this song. It's because I was feeling so grateful for the man I call Daddy.
So, naturally the first thing that comes to mind when I think of my Dad are the words to the song he used to sing to me at bedtime. "Give said the little stream, give oh give, give oh give..." this song has always reminded me of my sweet dad. However, now that I am older I pair an even greater meaning to this song, the lessons I learned from my dad.
My father did a lot of "giving." He always made time for the simple, yet important things like family prayer and scripture study. Although all of us children did not see it as important at the time, my dad was "giving" us an opportunity to be touched by the spirit.
My father also gave a lot of his time to help provide for our large family. I remember being so excited for my dad to come home from work. I wanted to know what he did all day, and how he did it. When I saw him, I always thought to myself that he was such a hard worker. It had to have been hard to be working long hours, driving too and from distant places, and doing it at really inconvenient times. My dad has always given his gift of hard work and dedication to make sure our family always had what we needed. Not only did he give of his time, energy, and talents, but he gave us someone we could look up to, trust, and rely on.

My father has taught me many important lessons in my life. He has given me fishing advice ( always sing " here fishy, fishy" when fishing) He has given me opportunities to learn and grow, work hard, and to have fun. He has taught me how to know and trust in my Heavenly Father.
The most important lesson I have learned from my dad is the gift of obedience. This is the greatest thing we can "give" to our Father in Heaven, obedience to His commandments. My dad has the greatest desire to do whatever it takes to do the right thing. He has taught me that the "right" thing is definitely not the easiest or even the most popular thing to do. In fact, in a lot of cases, people will criticize for making a right choice simply because it is different from the status quo. My Dad has taught to always have courage to make the right decision and to make it with confidence.
I am beyond grateful for such a wonderful man I get to call Dad! Heavenly Father knew I needed my Dad to teach me certain lessons, and help me become the person I am today.
I sure love you Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!

My father did a lot of "giving." He always made time for the simple, yet important things like family prayer and scripture study. Although all of us children did not see it as important at the time, my dad was "giving" us an opportunity to be touched by the spirit.
My father also gave a lot of his time to help provide for our large family. I remember being so excited for my dad to come home from work. I wanted to know what he did all day, and how he did it. When I saw him, I always thought to myself that he was such a hard worker. It had to have been hard to be working long hours, driving too and from distant places, and doing it at really inconvenient times. My dad has always given his gift of hard work and dedication to make sure our family always had what we needed. Not only did he give of his time, energy, and talents, but he gave us someone we could look up to, trust, and rely on.

My father has taught me many important lessons in my life. He has given me fishing advice ( always sing " here fishy, fishy" when fishing) He has given me opportunities to learn and grow, work hard, and to have fun. He has taught me how to know and trust in my Heavenly Father.
The most important lesson I have learned from my dad is the gift of obedience. This is the greatest thing we can "give" to our Father in Heaven, obedience to His commandments. My dad has the greatest desire to do whatever it takes to do the right thing. He has taught me that the "right" thing is definitely not the easiest or even the most popular thing to do. In fact, in a lot of cases, people will criticize for making a right choice simply because it is different from the status quo. My Dad has taught to always have courage to make the right decision and to make it with confidence.
I am beyond grateful for such a wonderful man I get to call Dad! Heavenly Father knew I needed my Dad to teach me certain lessons, and help me become the person I am today.
I sure love you Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!
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