There seems to be an imaginary list of things you just do not pray for, because those things are sure to bring trial, or a learning curve. Patience and charity just so happen to be at the to of the list.   When we pray for patience, we want to obtain it the moment we pray for it.  When in reality, we must be patient in out endeavor to achieve patience.   Praying for charity seems to give us ample opportunity to be placed in positions where our patience is tested..... What a cycle.

Today was one of those days that I found myself needing to be patient with others.  It just happened to be one of those days were you just want to come home to a clean apartment, relax, eat popcorn and watch Netflix for an hour before getting some homework done.  Well, my blissful desire was altered, seeing as the apartment was not clean.  It just so happened to be a disaster.  One thing I failed to mention is that the apartment complex performs bi-weekly cleaning checks.  Today just happened to be one of those days.

My prideful self seems to keep count of how many times I clean up around the apartment.  It happens to be a lot more frequent that I clean things in the apartment compared to my five other co-habitants.   The natural man really came out today when I was frustrated beyond belief that I had to clean up after everyone else....again, when everyone should be cleaning up after themselves.

In a moment when I should have, and could have prayed for patience for others, I failed to.  However, Heavenly Father always finds a way to teach me a lesson.
I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenants, and happened to read section 6, verse 19.  "...BE PATIENT; BE SOBER; BE TEMPERATE; HAVE PATIENCE, FAITH, AND CHARITY." Clearly, I had some repenting to do.  Instead of perceiving this circumstance to be that of an irritation, I should have looked at this circumstance as an opportunity to serve, and show my love to the lovely humans I live with.

As odd as this may sound, I love that our Father in Heaven loves us enough to humble us, and teach us a lesson here and there.  It testifies to me that He truly does live, and knows who we are, what is happening in our lives, and how we can improve.  I know that Heavenly Father has heard my plea to grow in patience and charity towards myself and others.  I am beginning to see how these opportunities of learning are placed in my life daily.


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